Developing Developer
Introducing my Developing Developer Series
Throughout this series of blogs, I am hoping to accomplish a few things. First and foremost is to share my experiences, opinions, perspectives and support for any and all developers. More specifically, to share my processes for searching for my first full time software engineering position. Luckily, I know a thing or two about programming. One of which is that, you can create just about anything you can think of.
So I thought, why don’t I just build a responsive web application specifically for myself, that I can use to monitor, adjust and record my search. Using my personal experience looking for job postings, networking with recruiters and other developers, emotional intelligence or any plethora of other things — the application should in theory be a reflection of me and my job search.
And… here… we…go
First things first. Let me introduce you to my thought process.
As a software engineering bootcamp graduate and former sales professional, I have performed tasks that can be unpleasant more than pleasant. However, the pleasant portion is more often than not, a result of the unpleasant actions you took. For example — making 100+ cold calls a day, or combing through job boards, filling out application after application. The best part is worth the sacrifice.
As a result of those experiences I have built intangible skills that come in handy from time to time (and usually aren’t written in job descriptions). In order to maximize the use of the intangibles, my plan is to use a methodical data driven approach, assessing results, adjusting according to assessments and continuing.
Since I am software developer. I developed a sort of entity relation map for each aspect here:

Obviously, we can start with the search itself. If there was no job search, I wouldn’t have the need for this application. Based on my experiences, needs or wants for this process — I will be developing the application flow and features that provide max efficiency.
This series of blogs will serve as an avenue for me to share any and all pieces of application development. In addition, the blog allows me to keep a human touch. Sharing emotional feelings about morale, rejections, obstacles, frustration, etc — related to searching for a job — in hopes that I might inspire someone to do something similar for themselves.
Can I have your attention please?
Searching for a job, after a complete and total career pivot can be tough. Then throw in rapidly growing popularity amongst your new career, a pandemic that forces businesses and companies to operate almost completely virtually and ill timed slowing of the economy. Adaptability to changes are imperative, and so must we change as well. Shooting your resume like a tommy gun from your hip to as many potential employers will not work and hasn’t for a long time.
Sometimes I feel as though the hardest part of interviewing for a new job, is actually getting an interview. It drives me nuts when companies totally leave you for dead after applying. Or, they reject you after such a short amount of time, you can’t help but think that they used your resume as a makeshift basketball and drained the trashcan shot. Everyone is looking for someone with experience, but only few are willing to actually give the experience.
I will openly share my thoughts on parts of my job search that are frustrating as well as those that are rewarding. I expect that over the course of a few weeks, we will begin to see a forming trend correlating data driven approach and successfully landing interview opportunities.
Next blog — we’ll go over the architecture of our application and why it needs to be that way to reflect real life objects (Object Oriented Programming :)